Sunday, October 16, 2016


Ovaj tjedan je pri samome kraju, a ja sam odlučila za vas izdvojiti i pokazati vam neke kombinacije koje sam nosila. Pa krenimo! Kada bih morala izdvojiti najbolju kombinaciju, to bi definitivno bila kombinacija sa crvenom haljinom kod satina koji je uz pliš vrlo popularan, a haljina je prejeftina! A što se tiče najudobnijeg komada odjeće to bi bila dugačka zelena haljina koju možete kombinirati na više različitih načina. Znamo da se košulje uvijek nose, posebno ove jeseni tako da ni njih nisam mogla zaobići pa sam si uzela isti model u dvije različite boje-bijeli i crveni. 

This week almost came to an end and I decided to pick and show you some of the outfits I wore this week! Lets get started! If I had to choose best combinations, it would definitely be the one with red dress made of satin which is very popular today and the dress is really affordable! And if I had to choose the most comfortable piece of the clothes it would be this long green dress that you can combine in so many ways. We all know that plaid shirts are worn through the all year so I had to get the same model in different colors-white and  the red one.

Prva kombinacija/First combination:                             
1. Jakna/Jacket-Amadeus Jeans
2. Haljina/Dress-LINK
3. Torba/Bag-No name
4. Cipele/Shoes-Roberto

Druga kombinacija/Second combination:
1. Kaput/Coat-Handmade
2. Košulja/Shirt-LINK
3. Cipele/Shoes-Franco
4. Suknja/Skirt-Sammydress

Treća kombinacija:
1. Košulja/Shirt-LINK
2. Rifle/Jeans-Pull & Bear
3. Jakna/Jacket-Amadeus Jeans
4. Patike/Shoes-Deichmann

Četvrta kombinacija/Forth combination:
1. Kaput/Coat-Handmade
2. Haljina/Dress-LINK
3. Cipele/Shoes-Roberto

Peta kombinacija/Fifth combination:
1. Spavaća haljina/Pyjama-LINK

Koja kombinacija vam se sviđa najviše? Izdvojite jednu!

Which combination do you like the most? Pick one!


  1. Well, the shirts in the second and third combinations look really great! :D

  2. Sve kombinacije su jako lepe i teško je izdvojiti jednu, ali neka to bude prva. :)
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    Fashion, Beauty and Style


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