Monday, October 10, 2016


Već sam vas upoznala sa online trgovinom na koju sam naišla prije 3 mjeseca, a zove se Stylewe. Ako već niste pročitali post, a zanima se nešto više o cijenama, dostavi te ostalim informacijama o ovoj trgovini,slobodno ga pročitajte-ovdje.  Imaju zaista predivan izbora haljina, svih dužina, boja i stilova. Danas sam se htjela malo usredotočiti na kraće haljine koje inače nisu moj odabir u bilo koje godišnje doba, ali sam odlučila da vjerojatno ima nešto u tome dijelu što bi se i meni svidjelo. Valja pogledati, zar ne? E pa naravno da sam naišla na prekrasne haljine, a nekako sam uspjela odabrati 6 najdražih koje bih definitivno nosila bez razmišljanja. Najviše od svih ovih haljina bih na sebi voljela vidjeti ovu tamno crvenu sa perjem! Bio bi u uz veselje, u isto vrijeme i izazov za mene. U zadnje vrijeme sam se počela odijevati i izvan svoje zone pa zašto ne obući i ovako nešto?

I da, već sada imaju odlične ponude vezane uz Dan zahvalnosti-od novčanika, torbi, dukserica do prekrasnih elegantnih haljina. Želim vam sretnu kupovinu ako se odlučite na nešto!  

I have already introduced you to online store that I found 3 months ago, and it is called Stylwe. If you haven't already read it and you want to know more about its prices, delivery and more information, you can freely read it-here. They really have big range of dresses, from all lenghtnes, colors and styles. Today I wanted do focus on casual midi dresses that usually are not my choice but I decided that there must be something in the midi section that I will like. It is always good to at least look and explore, right? Well, I came across some amazing dresses and somehow I managed to chose only 6 of my favourites that I would definitely wear without thinking. I would especially wear red dress with the fur! It would be a challenge for me. But lately I started wearing clothes I wouldn't usually wear so why not try this one as well?

Oh and yes, they have amazing products on their section Gift for Thanksgiving day-from wallets, bags to gorgeous elegant dresses. I wish you all happy shopping!

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