Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Drage moje! Danas vam pokazujem kombinaciju sa tri stvari koje su mi nedavno došle sa Shein online trgovine! Radi se o crnoj dugačkoj vestisivoj kožnoj jakni i krem torbici. Odmah na početku želim vam reći da sam oduševljena svim stvarima i da torbu i vestu nosim otkad sam ih dobila, a jakna će morati pričekati još neko vrijeme da ju ponosno pokažem drugima, odnosno proljeće!
Krenimo s bazom kombinacije, odnosno s vestom. Možete ju uzeti u samo jednoj veličini koja mi sasvim odgovara, po dužini i po širini. Premekana je, posebno unutarnja strana tako da je savršena za ove zimske dane. Sama po sebi izgleda sportski, ali s drugim odjevnim predmetima može postati i nešto sasvim drugačije. Osim crne, možete ju uzeti i u još dvije boje, a platit ćete ju samo 152kn! Pređimo na jaknu koju obožavam i jedva čekam da ju nosim!  Ja ne volim kada mi jakne idu do ispod leđa, volim ili kapute do koljena ili jakne do završetka leđa, ništa između, tako da sam presretna što sam pronašla ovu jaknu! Na stranici možete vidjeti koliko je još jakni ostalo za kupiti, kada sam ju ja uzimala bilo je dvadesetak, a sada ih je ostalo samo šest, i to u XS veličini! Ja sam svoju uzela u veličini S i stoji mi kao da je šivana za mene. Platit ćete ju 242kn. A sada, par riječi o naslađoj stvari iz ovog posta-torbici! Možete ju uzeti u doslovno svakoj boji koji postoji, a ono što se meni najviše kod ove torbe sviđa je definitivno materijal zbog kojeg ju možete nositi i po kiši. Ne volim velike torbe kada idem u šetnju tako da mi je ova taman, za mobitel, kartice, novac, ogledalo, labelo. Platit ćete ju 100kn.
Što vam se najviše sviđa?

My dearest! Today I am showing you outfit with three things that I got from Shein online store! I got long black hoodie, grey leather jacket and apricot bag. Firstly I want to say that I am in love with all of the things that I ordered and I already wear hoodie and bag, and the jacket will have to wait for a while to be showed proudly outside, it will have to wait till the spring comes!
So let's start with the base of this outfit, hoodie. You can get it in only one size that fits my perfecly, in width and height. It is really soft, especially on the inside so it makes it perfect for these cold days. It looks sporty by itself, but can become something totally different with other clothing pieces. Besides black, you can get it in two more colors and you will pay only $22 for it! Let's move on to the jacket that I love and can't wait to wear! I don't like when jacket go below the end of my back, I wear either really long coat to my knees or jacket to the end of my back so I am really excited for finding this one! Cool thing about this site is that you can see how many pieces of the clothes left and when I got it, there was about twenty jackets left but only only six, in size XS! I got mine in the size S and it fits me like sewed for me. You will pay $35 for it. And now, on to the cutest thing from this post-bag! You can get it in literally every color that exist and the thing I like the most about it is the material-you can wear it when it's raining and not being worried if things inside are wet. I am not a fan of big bags when going to walks so this one is perfect for my phone, cards, money, a mirror and lip balm. You will pay $15 for it.
What do you like the most?


  1. Jakna. Volim taj prednji dio pogotovo jer volim nositi šalove tako da mi taj kroj najviše pažnje privlači.


Your feedback is always appreciated! :)