Napokon vam dijelim post o ovim kistovima za šminku koji su došli na moja vrata prije otprilike mjesec dana! Sada sa sigurnošću mogu reći da je prošlo dovoljno vremena da podijelim s vama što mislim o njima. Pa krenimo! Naručila sam ih sa stranice EnjoyOurs koja ima mnoštvo odličnih proizvoda za koje ćete morat izdvojiti jako malo novca, a dodatani plus je to što je poštarina besplatna. Već sam vam pisala o jastučnici koju obožavam, a ove kistove platit ćete samo 46 kuna! Isplati li se? Uskoro ćete saznati...
Koliko i kakvih kistova sam dobila u paketu?
Paket se sastojao od 10 kistova bijelo zlatne boje-5 velikih i 5 malih. Naravno svaki možete koristiti za ono što vam najviše odgovara, ali svaki od njih već ima svoju namjenu, a ako ju znate pojednostavit će vam nanošenje proizvoda:
1. Kosi kabuki kist za nanos podloge i ostalih kremastih proizvoda na teško dostupna mjesta.
Koliko i kakvih kistova sam dobila u paketu?
Paket se sastojao od 10 kistova bijelo zlatne boje-5 velikih i 5 malih. Naravno svaki možete koristiti za ono što vam najviše odgovara, ali svaki od njih već ima svoju namjenu, a ako ju znate pojednostavit će vam nanošenje proizvoda:
1. Kosi kabuki kist za nanos podloge i ostalih kremastih proizvoda na teško dostupna mjesta.
2. Okrugli kabuki za blendanje kremastih bronzera i rumenila.
3. Koso rezani kabuki za stvaranje kontura lica.
4. Koso rezani ravni kabuki za nanošenje tekućeg pudera.
5. Ravno rezani kabuki za nanošenje i blendanje kremastih proizvoda.
6. Manji kabuki sa koso rezanim vrhom za nanos kremastih proizvoda oko očiju i nosa.
7. Manji okruglo rezani kabuki za nanos primera na kapke.
8. Manji koso/ravno rezani kabuki za precizan nanos kremastih proizvoda na lice.
9. Manji ravno rezani kabuki za prekrivanje nepravilnosti na licu.
10. Manji koso rezani kabuki za stvaranje detaljnijih kontura lica.
Na stranici možete birati između 5 različitih kombinacija boja:
1. Rozo srebrni kistovi
2. Crno zlatni kistovi
3. Bijelo zlatni kistovi
4. Crno srebrni kistovi
5. Bijelo srebrni kistovi
Kao što sam već rekla ja sam odabrala kombinaciju br.3, no moram priznati da sam se teško odlučila između te i kombinacije br.5!
Ja sam ove fotografije napravila isti dan kad sam dobila kistove jer sam ih htjela što prije isprobati! Moram priznati da sam se jako ugodno iznenadila jer ne možete naći jeftiniji set od 10 ovakvih ili sličnih kistova za istu namjenu, a da je toliko kvalitetan. Dlake su nježne, mekane, a u isto vrijeme dovoljno čvrste da savršeno nanesu proizvod. Također, odmah sam probala ispadaju li dlake i nijedna nije ispala, prilikom prvog testitanja ni prilikom svakog korištenja kistova. Ja koristim sve ove kistove, najviše ravno rezani kabuki za nanošenje i blendanje kremastih proizvoda te manji kabuki sa koso rezanim vrhom za nanos kremastih proizvoda oko očiju i nosa. Dio kojeg držimo prstima napravljen je od drvenog i bakrenog materijala.
Ako ove kistove želite platiti za 10% manje, odnosno da vam cijelo narudžba bude jeftinija, upišite kupon kod MVL10.
I am finally sharing with you post about these makeup brushes that I got one month ago! Now I am 100% sure in what I think of them so it's time so share my thoughts on it with you. So let's start! I ordered it from online shopping site EnjoyOurs that offers a lot of affordale yet amazing products and another plus is that you wont have to pay the shipping. I already shared my thoughts with you on pillow case that I adore, and you will pay only $6.59 on these brushes! Is it worth it? You will find out soon...
How many oh what kind of brushes I got in the package?
Package consisted of 10 brushes white&gold color-5 big and 5 small brushes. Of course each one of them you can choose for what you think is the best but every brush already has its purpose and if you know it it will probably make it easier for you to apply the product:
Ako ove kistove želite platiti za 10% manje, odnosno da vam cijelo narudžba bude jeftinija, upišite kupon kod MVL10.
I am finally sharing with you post about these makeup brushes that I got one month ago! Now I am 100% sure in what I think of them so it's time so share my thoughts on it with you. So let's start! I ordered it from online shopping site EnjoyOurs that offers a lot of affordale yet amazing products and another plus is that you wont have to pay the shipping. I already shared my thoughts with you on pillow case that I adore, and you will pay only $6.59 on these brushes! Is it worth it? You will find out soon...
How many oh what kind of brushes I got in the package?
Package consisted of 10 brushes white&gold color-5 big and 5 small brushes. Of course each one of them you can choose for what you think is the best but every brush already has its purpose and if you know it it will probably make it easier for you to apply the product:
1. Tapered Kabuki:Apply cream and liquid foundations onto the harder to reach contours of the face.
2. Round Kabuki:Blend mineral products onto the skin.
3. Angled Kabuki:Buff cream blush or bronzer onto the skin.
4. Flat Kabuki:Application of liquid or cream products to flat areas of the face such as the forehead and cheeks.
5. Flat Angled Kabuki:Blends foundation easily onto hard to reach areas of the face. Angle fits all areas of the face seamlessly. Works especially well on cheekbones and contours of the nose.
6. Precision Tapered:Exact placement of concealer in harder to reach areas such as around the eyes and nose, chin, and around the South.
7. Precision Round:Apply eye shadow base or primer onto the lid.
8. Precision Flat:Stipple concealer on sun spots, blemishes, and other small imperfections.
9. Precision Flat Angled:Use for precise application of concealer products anywhere on the face. Works particularly well around the eyes and nose.
10. Precision Angled:Apply product to areas such as the sides of the nose and the hollows of the cheeks.
There are 5 different combinations of colors you can choose from on the site:
1. Pink&silver brushes
2. Black&gold brushes
3. White&gold brushes
4. Black&silver brushes
5. White&silver brushes
Like I said, I choosed the combination no.3 but I have to admit that it was a tough decision between no. 3 and no.5!
I made this photos the same day I got the brushes because I wanted to try them as soon as possible! I have to admit that I was very surprised with it because you can't find more affordable set of 10 of these or similar brushes for same purpose and that its quality is so amazing. Its bristles are soft, gentle but at the same time firm enough to perfectly apply the product on your face. Also, I immedietaly tried if the bristels are falling out and non of them did and is not falling out, even when I tried to pull them out for testing it. I use all of these brushes but mostly the flat angled kabuki that blends foundation easily onto hard to reach areas of the face and precision tapered brush for exact placement of concealer in harder to reach areas such as around the eyes and nose and chin.
I give this set 5/5 and totally recommending it to you!
If you want to get 10% off this brushes and whole purchase use code MVL10!
I made this photos the same day I got the brushes because I wanted to try them as soon as possible! I have to admit that I was very surprised with it because you can't find more affordable set of 10 of these or similar brushes for same purpose and that its quality is so amazing. Its bristles are soft, gentle but at the same time firm enough to perfectly apply the product on your face. Also, I immedietaly tried if the bristels are falling out and non of them did and is not falling out, even when I tried to pull them out for testing it. I use all of these brushes but mostly the flat angled kabuki that blends foundation easily onto hard to reach areas of the face and precision tapered brush for exact placement of concealer in harder to reach areas such as around the eyes and nose and chin.
I give this set 5/5 and totally recommending it to you!
If you want to get 10% off this brushes and whole purchase use code MVL10!
Gledam i osobno ne vidim nikakvu razliku između ovih i Jessupovih, vherujem da su i flaffy i nježni također...osim što su ovi JOŠ jeftiniji! Kistva nikada previše
ReplyDeleteNe bih se bunila kada bih probala i Jessup pa da vidimo stvarno imaju li razlike! :D Daaaaa, slažem se. :*
DeletePrelepo izgledaju! 😍
ReplyDeleteFashion, Beauty and Style
Definitivno... :)
DeleteImam takve kistove, samo crno zlatne i super su mi, jako su nježni i mekani. Slike su tii divne!☺♥
Hvala ti! <3
DeleteBaš mi je drago da si i ti zadovoljna! Super ako pročitaju cure koje su u potrazi. :)
ReplyDeleteSlažem se, identični su kao i Jessup kistovi! Imam takav (jessup) set samo u crno-zlatnoj boji, prezadovoljna sam :)
ReplyDeleteBaš mi je drago! :D
DeleteImam ih, u crnoj boji, i slažem se da su odlični :)
ReplyDeleteŠminke nikad dosta