Studeni je kao i svi ostali mjeseci proletio kao da trči maraton! Ja već dugo nisam sa vama podijelila mjesečne favorite jer vam nisam imala što pokazati. Cijele ove godine nisam kupovala puno kozmetike, novac sam više trošila na druge stvari (odjeću), a za svu kozmetiku koja sam kupovala ne mogu reći da me totalno oduševila tak da sam i sebe i vas poštedila mjesečnih favorita. Sada napokon mogu reći da sam pronašla neke proizvode koje s veseljem mogu podijeliti sa vama tako da krenimo! I da, slučajnost je da su svi proizvodi samo 2 brenda.
Prvo ću krenuti sa Eveline proizvodima koji su zapravo dio poklon paketa kojeg možete kupiti i pokloniti bližnjima (good job Eveline, ja sam ga dobila kao poklon za rođendan od drage osobe i oduševila se). U ovom poklon paketu dobit ćete 3 proizvoda-Mega Max Full Volume & Shocking Black maskaru, Mega Max Long Lasting & Shocking Black olovku za oči i 5 in 1 korektor za obrve. Prvo što sam isprobala bio je korektor za obrve i oduševila se na prvu! Ovo je ujedno i prvi korektor za obrve kojeg sam ikad probala. Kod njega mi se sviđa to što ne moram paziti hoću li ga nanijeti izvan linija svojih obrva jer se precizno nanosi na same obrve i čini ih gušćima i malo tamnijima. Dakle, obrvama daje potpuno prirodan efekt i vrlo lijepo ih naglašava. Slijedi maskara koju koristim svaki dan. Osim što daje lijepi volumen mojim trepavicama, ono što sam ja na prvu primjetila je to da im daje zavidnu duljinu i sviđa mi se što trepavice ostaju zasebne svaka za sebe i ne pretvore se u 3 velika odvojena dijela, ako me razumijete! Dakle, prva pomisao na ovu maskaru je meni prije duljina i urednost trepavica, nego volumen. Zadnji proizvod iz ovog paketa je olovka za oči. Ja olovke za oči nikada ne nanosim puno jer tada izgledaju još manje, ali kada ju nanosim, nanosim ju na kraju kapka kako bi dala izraženiji efekt trepavica. Cijeli ovaj paket platit ćete 70 kuna, ja mislim da je cijena isplativa jer dobivate 3 proizvoda koja su kvalitetna! Ako ne znate što biste kupili prijateljici/sestri/mami/teti/nećakinji i da dalje ne nabrajam, a znate da voli kozmetiku, ja vam toplo preporučujem ovaj paket.
A sada slijede Catrice proizvodi... Obožavam lakove i nosim ih tijekom svih godišnjih doba i na rukama i na nogama, ali nisam fan ludih boja, već volim neutralne, poput ove. Radi se o laku nijanse 112 Cha-kira. Blage je ljubičaste boje koja se savršeno stapa sa bojom kože i baš je nježna. Ono što općenito volim kod Catrice lakova je njihova četkica s kojom se lak lako nanosi. Ako se ne varam platit ćete ga oko 20 kuna. Šećer na kraju je ruž neutralne boje kojeg u zadnje vrijeme imam stalno na usnama! Ruž je nijanse 370 In a rosegarden. Nijansu ruža opisala bih kao mix blago roze i neutralne boje sa daškom narančaste na određenom svjetlu. Kremaste je teksture tako da ne suši usne, ali kao i prije svakog ruža, ja nanesem balzam za usne tako da i vama preporučujem, neovisno o tome suši li ruž usne ili ne. Na usnama traje par sati. Ako se ne varam, platit ćete ga oko 34 kune.
Sve ove proizvode koristim od otprilike sredine prethodnog mjeseca i zaista sam zadovoljna svima tako da sam ih morala uvrstiti u ovaj post, odnosno zato sam se i odlučila napokon napisati novi post o favoritima! Ako želite saznati o nekom od ovih proizvoda nešto više, slobodno napišite pa ću napraviti poseban post sa svim detaljima.
Jeste li već probale neke od prikazanih proizvoda? Imate li nekog svog mjesečnog favorita kojeg biste preporučile meni i čitateljicama?
November, just like any other month went by so quickly like it runs maraton! I haven't showed you my monthly favourites for a long time now because I haven't had nothing really to show you. Through all this year I wasn't really spending money on cosmetics but rather on clothes, and all of the cosmetics that I bought wasn't really worth for showing so I decided to spare and me and all of you of my favourites posts. Now I can finally say that I found some products that I can happily share ith you so let's start! And yes, it is quincidence that all of the products are from 2 brands only.
First I'll start with Eveline products that are actually part of gift package that you can buy and give to your close ones (good job Eveline, I got it as a gift for my birthay and I love it). In this gift package you'll get 3 products-Mega Max Full Volume & Shocking Black mascara, Mega Max Long Lasting & Shocking Black eye pencil i 5 in 1 brow corector. First thing I tried was brow corector and I loved right away! This is also the first brow corector I have ever tried. What I like about this product is that I don't need to be careful if I am going to put it over my brow lines because it applies precisely on brows and it makes them thicker and a bit darker. So, it gives my brows natural effect and it highlights them really nicely. Followed by that then comes mascara which I use everyday. Besides the fact that it gives nice volume too my lashes, the thing that I noticed is that it gives them amazing lenght and I like that lashes stay separated instead of turning into 3 big pieces, if you understand me! So, first thought on this products is for my firsty lenght and then comes the volume. Last product from this packages is eye pencil. I usually don't use them a lot because my eyes then look smaller but if I use them I put them on the ends of my lid so that if gives fuller effect of my lashes. For this whole package you'll pay $10 and I think it's amazing price because you get 3 amazing quality products! If you don't know what to give to your friend/sister/mother/aunt/niece and so on, and you know that this person loves cosmetics, that I recommend you to buy this for them.
And now I will tell you something about Catrice products... I love nail polishes and I wear them throughou the whole year on my feet and hands, but I am not a fan of crazy colors, but neutral, just like this one. It is nail polish in 112 Cha-kira. It looks like warm purple color that blends perfectly with my skin color. The thing I love about Catrice nail polishes is their brush that applies polish amazing. If I am right you will pay it around $3. And now here comes the last thing! It is lipstick in the 370 In a rosegarden shade. I would describe the shade of this lipstick like a mix of warm pink, neutral color with a pop of orange on specific light. It has creamy texture and it doesn't dry your lips, but before every lipstick I use lipbalm, wheter it dries my lips or not. It stays on lips for few hours. You will pay around $5 for it.
I have been using all of these products for about a month now and I love of them so I had to put them in this post, I mean that's why I finally decided to write new post with my favourites! If you want to know something more about any of these products let me know and I will make a special post will all the details.
Have you already tried any of these products? Do you have your monthly favourite product that you would like to share with me and other readers?
November, just like any other month went by so quickly like it runs maraton! I haven't showed you my monthly favourites for a long time now because I haven't had nothing really to show you. Through all this year I wasn't really spending money on cosmetics but rather on clothes, and all of the cosmetics that I bought wasn't really worth for showing so I decided to spare and me and all of you of my favourites posts. Now I can finally say that I found some products that I can happily share ith you so let's start! And yes, it is quincidence that all of the products are from 2 brands only.
First I'll start with Eveline products that are actually part of gift package that you can buy and give to your close ones (good job Eveline, I got it as a gift for my birthay and I love it). In this gift package you'll get 3 products-Mega Max Full Volume & Shocking Black mascara, Mega Max Long Lasting & Shocking Black eye pencil i 5 in 1 brow corector. First thing I tried was brow corector and I loved right away! This is also the first brow corector I have ever tried. What I like about this product is that I don't need to be careful if I am going to put it over my brow lines because it applies precisely on brows and it makes them thicker and a bit darker. So, it gives my brows natural effect and it highlights them really nicely. Followed by that then comes mascara which I use everyday. Besides the fact that it gives nice volume too my lashes, the thing that I noticed is that it gives them amazing lenght and I like that lashes stay separated instead of turning into 3 big pieces, if you understand me! So, first thought on this products is for my firsty lenght and then comes the volume. Last product from this packages is eye pencil. I usually don't use them a lot because my eyes then look smaller but if I use them I put them on the ends of my lid so that if gives fuller effect of my lashes. For this whole package you'll pay $10 and I think it's amazing price because you get 3 amazing quality products! If you don't know what to give to your friend/sister/mother/aunt/niece and so on, and you know that this person loves cosmetics, that I recommend you to buy this for them.
And now I will tell you something about Catrice products... I love nail polishes and I wear them throughou the whole year on my feet and hands, but I am not a fan of crazy colors, but neutral, just like this one. It is nail polish in 112 Cha-kira. It looks like warm purple color that blends perfectly with my skin color. The thing I love about Catrice nail polishes is their brush that applies polish amazing. If I am right you will pay it around $3. And now here comes the last thing! It is lipstick in the 370 In a rosegarden shade. I would describe the shade of this lipstick like a mix of warm pink, neutral color with a pop of orange on specific light. It has creamy texture and it doesn't dry your lips, but before every lipstick I use lipbalm, wheter it dries my lips or not. It stays on lips for few hours. You will pay around $5 for it.
I have been using all of these products for about a month now and I love of them so I had to put them in this post, I mean that's why I finally decided to write new post with my favourites! If you want to know something more about any of these products let me know and I will make a special post will all the details.
Have you already tried any of these products? Do you have your monthly favourite product that you would like to share with me and other readers?
Sve mi se sviđa , naročito ovaj ruž 370 in a rosegarden ♡
ReplyDeleteJako je lijep. :)
DeleteSvi proizvodi deluju odlično. Boja laka je prelepa!
ReplyDeleteFotke su vrhunske, kao i ceo postić. ♥
Jesu, svi su zaista odlični! Hvala ti puno! <3
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ReplyDeleteDaaaa! :)))