Essence is a drugstore brand with very affordable but quality products. One week ago I saw that some of their products were on sale so of course I had to buy them! I bought blush, highlighter, fake lashes, lash glue and nail polish. If you are wondering why this post doesn't contain any of the products that I mentioned in my Affordable beauty wishlist, it is because I bought these products before writing mentioned post. Only products that I bought after publishing that post are fake lashes and glue. Of course I am going to buy a product that's on sale! If I don't like the product no problem, I payed less than $2 on for!Some of these products I have used before, like nail polish and all others products I I bought for the first time now. Overall opinion on these products is really good so keep reading if you want to know more about them!
Blush me up! blush originally costs $4.7 and I on sale payed $1.5 for it. Either way, it's a great deal! There are two shades of it and I got mine in shade 10 heat weave.I really like the packaging, it's hard. It's really great for makeup beginners because it's not that pigmented so you don't have to worry about looking like clown when putting blush on your face, especially for upcoming Winter days when we lose our summer tan and too much blush doesn't look attractive at all, as a matter of fact, it looks really unattractive.
Soo glow! highlighter is creamy texture until you start to put in on your face when it becomes powdery. It costs $3.5 and on sale I payed $1.5 for it. But I am pretty sure I payed it $1.5! I got it in shade 10 look on the bright side and you can buy it in one more shade. I have used it just once since I bought it because I haven't gone anywhere. I recommend dabbing it with fingers rather than spreading it because it wont leave pretty effect on face. First impression-I like it, great product!
Frame for fame 04 fake lashes and glue are leaving assortment soon. Each of these products I payed only $1.5 and $3.1 was original price for these products. I wanted single lashes for so long now and I also used all of my glue so I had to buy these products on sale. I haven't tried lashes yet but I have tried glue with another lashes and I am really impressed-glue is really strong and you don't to worry that your lashes are going to fall and I am so glad that I got it!
The gel nail polish in shade 14 do you speak love is the one I have on my hand and feet nails right now! I believe that all of you know that these nail polishes are very quality, from brush, pigmentaion to duration, and they dry very quickly! This shade is perfect for upcoming glommy days. This product is the only one that I haven't bought on sale, and there is no need for sale because usuall price of this product is only $1.8!
That's my Essence sale catch!
Have you tried any of these products? Have you managed to buy any Essence product on recent sale?
Tnx for reading :*
Soo glow! highlighter is creamy texture until you start to put in on your face when it becomes powdery. It costs $3.5 and on sale I payed $1.5 for it. But I am pretty sure I payed it $1.5! I got it in shade 10 look on the bright side and you can buy it in one more shade. I have used it just once since I bought it because I haven't gone anywhere. I recommend dabbing it with fingers rather than spreading it because it wont leave pretty effect on face. First impression-I like it, great product!
Frame for fame 04 fake lashes and glue are leaving assortment soon. Each of these products I payed only $1.5 and $3.1 was original price for these products. I wanted single lashes for so long now and I also used all of my glue so I had to buy these products on sale. I haven't tried lashes yet but I have tried glue with another lashes and I am really impressed-glue is really strong and you don't to worry that your lashes are going to fall and I am so glad that I got it!
The gel nail polish in shade 14 do you speak love is the one I have on my hand and feet nails right now! I believe that all of you know that these nail polishes are very quality, from brush, pigmentaion to duration, and they dry very quickly! This shade is perfect for upcoming glommy days. This product is the only one that I haven't bought on sale, and there is no need for sale because usuall price of this product is only $1.8!
That's my Essence sale catch!
Have you tried any of these products? Have you managed to buy any Essence product on recent sale?
Tnx for reading :*
Essence je drogerijski brend sa vrlo pristupačnim, ali kvalitetnim proizvodima. Prije tjedan dana sam vidjela neke njihove proizvode na akciji tako da sam ih naravno morala uzeti! Kupila sam rumenilo, highlighter, umjetne trepavice, ljepilo za trepavice i lak za nokte. Ako se pitate zašto ovaj post ne sadrži proizvode koje sam spominjala u Affordable beauty wishlist postu to je zato što sam ih kupila prije pisanja navedenog posta. Jedini proizvodi koje sam kupila nakon objavljivanja tog posta su umjetne trepavice te ljepilo za trepavice. Naravno da ću prije kupiti proizvod na akciji! Ako mi se ne svidi nema problema, platila sam ih manje od 15 kn. Neke od ovih proizvoda sam već prije koristila, kao lak za nokte, dok sam sve ostale tek sad kupila i prvi put probala. Cjelokupan dojam o ovim proizvodima je vrlo dobar pa nastavite čitati ako želite znati nešto više o njima!
Blush me up! rumenilo inače košta 30 kn, a ja ga platila 10 kn na sniženju. Možete birati između dvije nijanse, a ja sam odabrala 10 heat weave. Sviđa mi se pakiranje, čvrsto je. Odlično je za makeup početnike jer nije toliko pigmentirano tako da se ne morate brinuti da ćete izgledati kao klaun kada ga nanesete na lice, posebno za vrijeme nadolazećih zimskih dana kada svi gubimo ljetnu boju i previše rumenila ne izgleda privlačno, naprotiv-izgleda vrlo neprivlačno.
Blush me up! rumenilo inače košta 30 kn, a ja ga platila 10 kn na sniženju. Možete birati između dvije nijanse, a ja sam odabrala 10 heat weave. Sviđa mi se pakiranje, čvrsto je. Odlično je za makeup početnike jer nije toliko pigmentirano tako da se ne morate brinuti da ćete izgledati kao klaun kada ga nanesete na lice, posebno za vrijeme nadolazećih zimskih dana kada svi gubimo ljetnu boju i previše rumenila ne izgleda privlačno, naprotiv-izgleda vrlo neprivlačno.
Soo glow! highlighter je kremaste teksture sve dok ga ne počnete stavljati na lice kada postaje puderaste teksture. Cijena mu je 24 kune, a ja sam ga na sniženju platila 10 kn! Uzela sam ga u nijansi 10 look on the bright side, a možete ga kupiti u još jednoj nijansi. Koristila sam ga samo jedanput jer nisam nigdje baš išla. Preporučujem nanošenje proizvoda tapkanjem prstiju jer razmazivanje neće ostaviti lijepi trag na licu. Prvi dojam-Sviđa mi se, odličan proizvod!
Frame for fame 04 umjetne trepavice i ljepilo uskoro izlaze iz asortimana. Oba proizvoda sam platila 10 kn, a originalna cijena im je bila 21 kn. Pojedinačne trepavice sam htjela toliko dugo, a i staro ljepilo sam potrošila tako da sam na sniženju jednostavno morala ove proizvode kupiti! Nisam još isprobala trepavice, ali jesam ljepilo i ugodno sam iznenađena! Ljepilo je jako, ne morate se bojate da će vam trepavice lako ispasti i baš mi je drago što sam to kupila!
The gel lak za nokte u nijansi 14 do you speak love trenutno imam i na rukama i na nogama! Vjerujem da znate da su ovi lakovi jako kvalitetni, od četkice, pigmentiranosti do trajnosti, a i vrlo brzo se suše! Ova nijansa mi je savršena za nadolazeće kišne dane. Lak nisam kupila na sniženju, a ni nema potrebe da bude na sniženju jer je njegova redovna cijena 12 kn!
To je moj Essence ulov sa sniženja!
Jeste li probali neki od prikazanih proizvoda? Jeste li uspjeli kupiti neki Essence proizvod sa nedavnog sniženja?
Hvala na čitanju :*
I ja sam kupila ove trepavice, nisu mi dobre :/
ReplyDeleteJa ih nisam još probala. A dobro, ako neće ni meni biti nema veze, ionako su koštalo samo 10 kn! :)
Deletelijep ulov :D najviše mi se sviđa lak i rumenilo :)
ReplyDeleteBome je! Drago mi je da ti se sviđa. :)
DeleteImala sam prije taj highlighter, ali drugu nijansu, zapravo nije loš, ali više volim one u prahu pa sam ga proslijedila. Tražim neko dobro ljepilo za trepavice, ako naiđem na ovo uzet ću ga.
ReplyDeleteTakve nijanse lakova su mi bile favorit prije par godina, sada imam jednu takvu nijansu iz Avona, no više volim rozaste i peachy nijanse. Ali Essence lakovi imaju najbolju četkicu na svijetu :D A i formula im se poboljšala pa su trajniji, što je supeer :)
Ja obično i koristim highlightere u prahu, ali sam htjela probati ovaj kada sam vidjela da je na akciji i zadovoljna sam. :) Ja isto volim više roze, neutralne nijanse, ali ova mi je prekrasna i baš mi nekako odgovora za nadolazeće kišne dane. :D Dada, slažem se!
DeleteSjajan post! ^-^
Hvala ti!
DeleteKako je divan blush up :)
ReplyDeleteDa je, drago mi je da ti se sviđa. :)
DeleteSuper ulovi! :) Ja sam kupila samo top coat sa sand efektom i prezadovoljna sam njime :)
ReplyDeleteDa, stvarno sam zadovoljna! :D Super! :D
DeleteProbala sam highlighter i zaista je odlican :D
ReplyDeleteTakođer! :D